Construction and Architecture Exhibition
"BANYA & SAUNA. Construction and equipment."
Construction and Architecture Exhibition "Banya and Sauna" is intended to become a major platform to showcase modern trends in the construction, equipping and operation of banyas and saunas in both the private and public use.
Exhibition Themes:
- Construction and equipping of banyas and saunas: log banyas, frame banyas and saunas, banyas and saunas in recreational and sports complexes.
- Construction and finishing materials, pile foundations, engineering equipment, septic tanks.
- Furnaces for banyas, sauna stoves: wood, gas, electric.
- Equipment for sauna: infrared cabin, phyto barrels, fonts.
- Cooperage products.
- Spa and beauty products.
- Accessories for banya and sauna.
Participants: construction companies, manufacturers of stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, bathhouse utensils and accessories.
Visitors: private individuals, leadership of trade companies from Moscow and Russian regions, heads of sports and recreation centres, sanatoriums, rest homes.
In parallel with the exhibition Sokolniki Park to host Bath Festival with numerous shows and master classes. Real bath action to take place within the Festival: a dozen of active baths (steam rooms) to be installed in the park. Some of steam rooms have glass walls providing an opportunity to observe ongoing processes.
Moskau Messe Exhibition Company
Venue: Fountain Square, Sokolniki Park, Moscow, Russia

Last update: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:08:16 AM