Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Village Fest. Overview
Sokolniki saw the final days of Village Fest, a city festival of countryside culture, uniting a series of famous projects, such as: the Russian Bathhouse Festival, Farmer’s Fair, the World Barbeque Festival, and the Honey Festival.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Farm and Bathhouse Fans Invading Sokolniki
Today Sokolniki has seen the opening of Village Fest, a city festival of countryside culture. Thematic art installations such as Freaky Cows and 3D Letters occupied the front area of the park. The Fountain Square and 4 Luchevoi prosek hosted the Bathhouse Town and the Farmer’s Fair.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Spanish Cuisine, American Cheese, and Russian Bathhouse in Sokolniki
From September 26th to 29th, 2013, Sokolniki Park will be swept by Village Fest, a city festival of countryside culture uniting four projects: the Farmer’s Fair, the Russian Bathhouse Festival, the World Barbeque Festival, and the Honey Festival. The exposition will be available from Thursday whereas the main events are scheduled for the weekend.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Big Week of Big Exhibitions
This week Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre is happy to invite everyone to visit a whole pack of large-scale events: Fancywork Formula, Oriental Formula, Framing Forum, Fazenda, Jewelry Vernisage, and Village Fest.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Russian Bathhouse and Sauna
From September 26th-29th, 2013, the Russian Bathhouse and Sauna festival will feature, inter alia, master-classes by our partner, Ivan Kupala & Co, LTD.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Moscow Russian Bathhouses Overview by the Novye Izvestia!
How much will it cost you to get a steamy experience in Moscow? The Novye Izvestia daily newspaper has made an overview of the services, provided by the capital’s most popular Russian bathhouses, eager to know, how much for the steam?
Monday, February 11, 2013
International Experience Exchange in Naberezhnye Chelny
Sport Sauna Steaming Europe Champion 2012, Chairman of The Federation of Sauna Steamers of Lithuania comes to Naberezhnye Chelny! Vladas Iokubauskas, Sport Sauna Steaming Europe Champion 2012, Chairman of The Federation of Sauna Steamers of Lithuania, IFSS member, founder of the Baltic Sauna-Spa School, comes to Naberezhnye Chelny by invitation of Ilgiz Latfullin.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May this year be filled with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
RusPar’s Aquarium Mobiba under the main New Year tree of Naberezhnye Chelny!
The MB-442 Mobiba Aquarium portable bathhouse was installed on December 21, 2012 near the main New Year tree in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.
Friday, December 14, 2012
What to fire a stove with?
The main fuel for a bath stove is firewood; this material generates the heat and an unforgettable banya atmosphere. When choosing firewood, one has to consider its quality and quantity
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What baths were like in Egypt
It were ancient Egyptians who first established the cult of cleanliness of human body. Later this idea was adopted by the Greeks, Romans, and some Oriental nations. First sweating rooms were outfitted in Egypt as long as 6,000 years ago
Friday, December 07, 2012
What to bring to a bath
It has been known for many centuries that visiting a bath is not just a matter of personal hygiene but, rather, a complex therapeutic procedure, helping to cure physical and mental ailments and to strengthen one’s health. Properly picked bath and sauna accessories will enhance the positive effect
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Author’s Bath mastery seminar!
A practical author’s seminar on bath mastery will take place on December 7-9 at Zhivaya Banya near Aviamotornaya metro in Moscow. (The seminar will feature unique author’s insight into bath technologies and healthy way of living).
Friday, November 30, 2012
The ‘Rus’ Bannaya 2012’ All-Russia Bath Mastery championship to start soon!
This year’s ‘Rus` Bannaya’ (Bath Rus) All-Russia bath mastery championship is to take place on December 4-6, 2012 at the Moscow region ‘Elochki’ resort in Domodedovo.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The first city amateur bath besom steaming championship finished in Chelny
The bath besom steaming championship took place on November 24-25 in Naberezhnye Chelny. The epic battle for the title of the best bath attendant emerged in the City Bath № 3
Friday, November 23, 2012
Bathhouse & Sauna presentation at the Russian Academy of Crafts!
On November 29 at 15.00 the Russian Academy of Crafts will hold a meeting of the Stove-setters guild which is to feature a presentation of Bathhouse & Sauna architectural and construction exhibition
Monday, November 19, 2012
THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF CRAFTS – the partner of “Banya & Sauna” Exhibition and Festival holds an open day on December 22, 2012.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Honey for health and beauty at the exhibition “Bathhouse & Sauna - 2013”!
A wide range of different types of honey will be marketed at the exhibition “Bathhouse & Sauna”.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Finnish Sauna Society turns 75!
The Society is one of the oldest and most respected public organizations in Finland, where, in different periods, sauna was considered a religious ritual, a way of invigoration, hygiene and recuperation
Friday, November 09, 2012
Colour therapy in a sauna
Edwin D. Babbitt was an American doctor who described how different colours affect the human body and invented an apparatus for colour therapy.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Dates for the exhibition “Bathhouse & Sauna - 2013” have been set!
New dates for the exhibition “Bathhouse & Sauna” are now confirmed! The event is to take place on September 26-29.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Enjoy your steam!
The exhibition general Internet partner ― ForumHouse ― prepared a video dedicated to the exhibition held in Sokolniki Park on 21−23 September 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The foundation is laid!
Banya & Sauna Festival and Exhibition that took place for the first time on September 21-23 was a great success. The foundation is laid and the organizers agree that the event like this should develop and take place annually.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Bath Festival is already available to the public
The first ever Bath Festival expo and business program opened on the Sokolniki Park Fountain Square on Friday, September 21st. Note that the official opening ceremony is scheduled for September 22nd (12.00 a.m.)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Fasten your bath-sheets…Three, two, one, START…
The first ever Bath Festival opens on September 21st. Competition in speed Russian bath stove construction will take place in Sokolniki Park. Professional bath attendants will show everyone how to take a steam bath properly and give a workshop on massage
Last update: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 6:01:53 PM