A meeting between the initiative group including representatives of such companies as Teplodar, InzhKomTsentr, Wolfshoehe, InterOptTorg, ITS, the Russian Academy of Crafts, Guild of stove setters and bath attendants, Fine-Line, Center for fireplaces and saunas and Moskau Messe Exhibition Company took place in the office of the Russian Academy of Crafts on 19th June 2012. The initiative group submitted a charter of the newly formed Association of baths, furnaces, chimneys and fireplaces producers and consumers. At the meeting it was decided that it is necessary to establish the Russian bath association, to approve the charter. Moreover, V. Lyakhov was chosen Chairman.
The newly founded Russian bath association to enter into partnership with Bath Festival which is to be held on 21-23 September 2012 in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre within Bath and Sauna Exhibition taking place at the Festival Square! Bath Festival includes numerous shows and workshops. A dozen active baths (steam rooms), some of them with glass walls providing an opportunity to observe ongoing processes, to be installed there. We would like to invite all lovers of Russian bath culture to the soul and body a holiday!
The newly founded Russian bath association to enter into partnership with Bath Festival which is to be held on 21-23 September 2012 in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre within Bath and Sauna Exhibition taking place at the Festival Square! Bath Festival includes numerous shows and workshops. A dozen active baths (steam rooms), some of them with glass walls providing an opportunity to observe ongoing processes, to be installed there. We would like to invite all lovers of Russian bath culture to the soul and body a holiday!
From left to right: V. Polyakov ― Teplodar; D. Vakhov ― InzhKomTsentr; A. Kharyutkin ― Moskau Messe Exhibition Company;
E. Bystrova, D. Starostin ― Wolfshoehe; N. Agapova ― InterOptTorg; V. Belonovsky ― ITS;
N. Matvienko, E. Prosvirina ― the Russian Academy of Crafts; V. Lyakhov ― Guild of stove setters and bath attendants; V. Sapunkov ― Fine-Line.
Last update: Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:30:41 AM